Always look for new ways to protect your smile from cavities. Cavity prevention is extremely important to ensure oral health happiness. If enamel erosion is allowed to occur, not only will it give rise to cavities, but it will increase your potential risk of infections and tooth loss. Thus, you'll need to make sure that you're doing everything you can... read more »
You may find yourself with a tooth that is severely discolored or damaged, either by decay or by a trauma to your mouth. If your tooth has been weakened to the point that it is in danger; or if the tooth is needed to hold a dental bridge in place or cover an implant, your dentist will suggest that you... read more »
As you probably know, gum disease is something you should strive to avoid. You’ve probably heard that, in order to keep your teeth healthy and strong, you should brush and floss regularly. Similarly, you probably know that you should visit a dentist once every six months for a routine cleaning and exam. However, do you know what you should do... read more »
Have you ever heard of plaque? If not, it’s the white, sticky film that grows on the front surfaces of your teeth. If you keep from brushing for a long period of time, you will be able to scrape the surfaces of your teeth and peel off a white layer, which is plaque. This substance is extremely destructive to your... read more »
Did you know that your mouth is constantly fighting a battle against disease and decay? Oral bacteria are necessary for maintaining your health, but some of it can harm your teeth and gums. The bacteria that causes many dental problems is called plaque. Plaque Plaque is the name given to the sticky, colorless film of bacteria that collect on the... read more »
Would you rather clean the toilet than floss your teeth? Many people do not like flossing, whether it is because doing so is difficult, uncomfortable, or time consuming. However, cleaning between your teeth daily is a necessary part of maintaining oral hygiene. In order to make flossing easier, there are several tools and devices available which are all geared towards... read more »