You Smile Could be at Risk from Dental Dangers

Keeping your smile safe and productive for a lifetime of happiness includes always taking time out of your busy day to think about your oral health and even clean your teeth when you get the chance. Not only should you be brushing and flossing on a daily basis, but you should consider using alternative cleaning utensils such as mouthwash after... read more »

Dental Crowns Can Improve Your Smile

You may find yourself with a tooth that is severely discolored or damaged, either by decay or by a trauma to your mouth. If your tooth has been weakened to the point that it is in danger; or if the tooth is needed to hold a dental bridge in place or cover an implant, your dentist will suggest that you... read more »

What Do You Know about Oral Emergencies?

Are you aware of any common oral emergencies? An oral emergency is often characterized as any type of emergency associated with your mouth that often takes place completely by accident and occurs swiftly. This can include brutally bitten lips or fractured and dislocated teeth. If you suffer blunt force trauma or suffer a fall, it is likely that you will... read more »

The Facts About Inlays and Onlays

Are you interested in learning more about what you could to if you have a cavity or an injured tooth? There are several options you can consider. When you are deciding on the best option for your oral health, please don’t forget to consider the benefits of dental inlays and dental onlays. At times, a dental crown may be recommended... read more »

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