Essential Dental Tips on Cavity Prevention Treatments

Always look for new ways to protect your smile from cavities. Cavity prevention is extremely important to ensure oral health happiness. If enamel erosion is allowed to occur, not only will it give rise to cavities, but it will increase your potential risk of infections and tooth loss. Thus, you'll need to make sure that you're doing everything you can... read more »

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Gum Disease

Because gum disease can be painless in its earliest stages, many people may not know that they have it. Some people may not even think about preventing gum disease, or having it treated until it becomes a serious issue. Often, your dentist will be the first one to spot gum disease, which is why it is so important to see... read more »

The Plaque Plague

Did you know that your mouth is constantly fighting a battle against disease and decay? Oral bacteria are necessary for maintaining your health, but some of it can harm your teeth and gums. The bacteria that causes many dental problems is called plaque. Plaque Plaque is the name given to the sticky, colorless film of bacteria that collect on the... read more »

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