Is your smile ready for a cosmetic dentistry treatment? You could use a cosmetic dentistry upgrade if any of your teeth are broken or damaged and in need of repair. Cosmetic dentistry services are also helpful if the look of your smile is suffering for any reason. Some of the most incredible forms of cosmetic dentistry for fixing tooth abnormalities... read more »
If you’ve broken, chipped, or fractured a tooth, you don’t have to live with that imperfection in your smile forever. Thanks to the cosmetic dentistry options offered here at Scott J. Ferguson, DDS in Kimball, Michigan, you can have your smile restored to its former glory in a few short appointments. Some of the services we offer might be able... read more »
If you recently had dental bonding done for your teeth, you may be wondering what the best practices of care you can do at home to ensure they last for years to come. Well, look no further because our team is going to give you some helpful tips on how to do just that. Some of the best ways you... read more »